Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An Alternative to Hyperinflation And Thermonuclear War

"This is the same situation Germany was in in 1923. If they had done what we are purposing here there would never have been a WWII"

On Saturday, September 22nd, 2012, 
German Patriot and International Stateswoman 
Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered a webcast entitled, 
"An Alternative to Hyperinflation and Thermonuclear War."

Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche discussed the needed economic recovery programs the world must immediately adopt, if we are to avert this oncoming crisis, as well as the needed shift in the outlook of man, if we are to survive.

Here is the youtube link... How to save the world now before we blow it up...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome to reality...

A great sense of 
Urgency has risen.
We are finding 
Ourselves loosing 
Our liberties, 
Our wealth and 
Our beliefs. 
Everything we 
Were taught is 
Becoming obsolete as we 
Dig deeper for the 
Truth in this 
Age of information.

It has become obvious that our 
Understanding of and 
Definition of being 
Civilized needs to be 
Upgraded and rebooted

"Defecation is proof of existence, passing of defecation without harm to the environment is proof of enlightenment." 
Russell Hill circa 1987 (Me) Reedited 11/20/2012

We must ask... why?

Why are our children
Playing in squalor?
Working in squalor?